Konzentrationslager Buchenwald was built in 1937 in the direct victinity of Weimar, the city of German Classicism. It was to this concentration camp on Ettersberg Mountain that the SS deported men, teenagers and children - political opponents to the Nazi regime, so-called associals and criminals, homosexuals, Jews - who had no place in the National Socialist "people's community".
Following the outbreak of World War II, the National Socialist sent people from nearly every country in Europe to Buchenwald. At the time of the camp's liberation, ninenty-five percent of its inmates were from countries outside the German Reich. Between 1937 and 1945, altogether more than 250.000 persons from more than fifty different nations were imprisioned here.
The camp gate with the inscription Jedem das Seine (
to each his own) formed the boundary between the SSarea and the inmates' camp.
Following the outbreak of World War II, the National Socialist sent people from nearly every country in Europe to Buchenwald. At the time of the camp's liberation, ninenty-five percent of its inmates were from countries outside the German Reich. Between 1937 and 1945, altogether more than 250.000 persons from more than fifty different nations were imprisioned here.
The camp gate with the inscription Jedem das Seine (
The inmates in the Buchenwald "parent camp" and its total of 136 subcamps were ruthlessly exploited. In 1944 the SS administration of Buchenwald took charge of camps in which women and girls were forced to work for the German armaments industry. Some 56.000 human beings met their deaths in Buchenwald and its subcamps; they were killed deliberately, they starved to death. they died of illness or as victims of medical experiments.
Many inmates, among them more tahn 8.000 Soviet prisioners of war, were systematically murdered by the SS.
KL Buchenwald was involved in the NS killing policies through the practise of inmate selection and deportation to NS extermination camps: Buchenwald was the point of departure for extermination transports of children and sick inmates to Auschwitz, and when the SS cleared the camps in the east in early 1945, many mass transports went to Buchenwald. Shortly before the end of the war, the SS attempted to "evacuate" Buchenwald as well, and forced 28.000 inmates to set out on "death marches".
When the Third U.S. Army reached Buchenwald on 11 April 1945, the SS fled, and inmates of the secret resistence organization opened the camp. A´pproximately 21.000 inmates, including more than 900 children and teenagers, were liberated.
When the Third U.S. Army reached Buchenwald on 11 April 1945, the SS fled, and inmates of the secret resistence organization opened the camp. A´pproximately 21.000 inmates, including more than 900 children and teenagers, were liberated.
In July 1945, when the American troops withdrew from Thuringia, Red Army units quickly took their place. The Soviet Secret Police set up Special Camp No. 2 in the former KL Buchenwald. From 1945 to 1950, some 28.500 persons were interned in Buchenwald among them 1.000 women - without trials and for indefinite terms. The majority of the inmates were men between forty and sixty years of age.
Most of them had belonged to the NSDAP or held offices in the party and its subdivisions, primarily on the local level, or served in the NS administration, police or judiciary.
Most of them had belonged to the NSDAP or held offices in the party and its subdivisions, primarily on the local level, or served in the NS administration, police or judiciary.
The living conditions in Buchenwald Special Camp were extremely inhumane. Altogether, more than 7.100 persons died there. The dead were buried in mass grave to the north of the camp and in the vicinity of the Buchenwald railway station.
In 1950, after the dissolution of the special camp, large parts of the camp were disassembled as per resolution of the SED (Socialist Unity Party) Politiburo, and until 1958 a memorial was erected on the southern slope of the Ettersberg. The "National Mahn - und Gedenkstatte Buchenwald" became the largest concentration camp memorial in Germany.
Bell tower and Buchenwald Monument by Fritz Cremer |
Suporte Cultural: SOUL e L'Integration d'Association avec Israel et dans le Mond/Fr
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