Sunday, Adar 17, 5778. March 4, 2018.
Shalom! World.
Nördlingen, city in Bavaria, Germany.
Jews were to be found in Nördlingen from the 12th century, but the sources reflect an organized community only in the 13th century. Eight Jews were martyred there during the Rindfleisch persecutions (1298), but community life was renewed soon afterward. In 1331 Emperor Louis IV granted four "honorable" Jewish elders the extraordinary privilege of jurisdiction over foreign Jews. There were about 20 houses in the Judengasse (which was also inhabited by christians), and the community possessed a Synagogue and a cemetery; the Jews made their living as moneylenders. During the Black Death persecutions of 1348 c.e. many Jews were killed or imprisioned; their property and promissory notes were confiscated by the city. Emperor Charles IV pardoned the burghers and canceled their debts to the Jews. Subsequentely he acced to the city's request to readmit Jews.
In 1437 Jews were forbidden to hire christians servants and ordered to wear the Jewish badge-though this order does not seem to have been strictly enforced. The Hussite wars resulted in temporary banishment between 1454 and 1459, and hostile agitation by the clergy led to the expulsion of the Jews in 1507.
Stolpersteine |
A regulation issued Feb. 18, 1669, which precribed that all business connected with loans should be transacted in the city hall, where the cash was to be paid, the trasactions recorded, and the pledges kept, and that the rate of interest should not exceed 8 per cent for loans above 25 florins and 10 per cent for smaller sums, was frequently renewed (1682, 1706, 1712, 1732). It had, however, hardly more pratical effect than the frequent prohibitions of peddling or of dealing in certain articles (1712, 1721, 1725, 1729, and 1732). While visiting the fairs could not be prohibited, as this right of the Jews rested on a general law for the whole empire, the city of Nördlingen placed various obstacles in the way of the Jews, as, for instance, the prohibition against selling in a booth. An exception was made in favor of the imperial body-physician Löw, who waspermitted to sell his remedies (1664), and of a Dutch jeweler (1786).
As a matter of course, Jews visiting the city during the fairs, or on business even for a day only, as well as those who were permitted to reside there temporarily in times of war, had to pay a poll-tax. A community, with 25 families, was organized in 1870, dedicated a new Synagogue in 1885, and founded a hevra kaddisha in 1898. It numbered 489 persons in 1899, and 314 (3,8% of the total) in 1913.
Shalom! Aleichem.
Cultural Support: Jacob Jr B.A.C.E., avec L'Integration d'Association avec Israel et dans le Monde/Cz.
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