Thrusday, Adar 21, 5778. March 8, 2018.
Shalom! World.
The Jewish community of Padova Italy recently opened a permanent exhibition as a new step in a more comprehensive project to develop and promote the city's rich, centuries-old Jewish heritage as both a resource for local people and an attractive itinerary for Jewish tourists and other visitors.
The Museo della Padova Ebraica is sited in the former "German", Synagogue Tedesca, used by the Ashkenazic community, which was inaugurated in 1525 in the heart of the Jewish quarter, or ghetto, in the city's historic center. The Synagogue was severely damaged during World War II when it was torched by local Fascists, and it stood derelict until it was completely rebuilt in 1998 (the ark was transferred to Tel Aviv in 1956).
The sanctuary of the Italian Synagogue is a small, rahrer long and narrow space, with an elaborately wooden Bimah positioned to face each other from the middle of the long sides of the room. The Bimah is believed to have been carved from the wood of a single tree that fell in the botanic gardens.
The Synagogue is just a few steps away from the new Museum (which is located on via dele Piazze).
Italian Synagogue Padova.
Italian Synagogue Padova.
The exhibition includes a selection of itens from the Jewish community's extensive collection of Judaica objects from past centuries to the presente. Among them are a very rare Mameluk parochet from Egypt dating back to the 15th or 16th century.
There is also na 18th century Megillah of Esther, a 16th century Torah scroll, exceptional silver Torah ornaments, and several ketubot.
Shalom! Aleichem.
Cultural Support: Jacob Jr. B.A.C.E., avec L'Integration d'Association avec Israel et dans le Monde/Cz .
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